Planting More Eremophilas (Emu Bushes)

Eremophila splendens

Eremophila splendens

More plants found a spot in the ground today. Eremophilas seem to be the best option at the moment. Those I planted were Eremophila splendens, Eremophila ionantha, a very prostrate form of Eremophila glabra with deep red flowers, Eremophila debilis, a yellow form of Eremophila hillii, Eremophila glabra ssp. carnosa, Eremophila denticulata, Eremophila polyclada and Eremophila calorhabdos.

I was very aware of how ‘non wetting’ are some of the spots in the front yard. I’ve been told that potting mixes which have been wet very well will, on drying out, become water repellant. I am sure that must also happen to soil. So the next job needs to be treating the ground with a soil wetting agent and doing the same to the potted plants. With water at a premium this year, every drop needs to be accounted for.

More Information On Growing Eremophilas


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