Eucalyptus kingsmillii

Eucalyptus kingsmillii

Eucalyptus kingsmillii

I found this tree flowering in my fence line planting and as a street tree in one of the smaller nearby towns. Eucalyptus kingsmillii is a Western Australian species which is mallee shrub or small tree 4-8m tall by 3-6m wide.

We had Mistletoe birds nesting in one of the trees in the windbreak. It was the first native bird to nest in a tree which we had planted. After a storm one day I discovered that the neighbour had found the nest about to collapse and it had eggs in it. She found a stocking and slid a length of it over the nest and tied it securely to the tree. The birds continued to sit and raise the chicks.

Our plants have brilliant red flowers but apparently it is often yellow. They originate in very arid areas and need good drainage and a warm aspect. They are drought tolerant and moderately frost tolerant. Eucalyptus kingsmillii is highly suited to gardens, parks and roadside planting. It can be cut for floral decorations. Apparently this is a plant grown in California.

  • A photo and article on Mistletoe Birds can be found here.

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