Australian native Plants in Flower Arrangements.
This one uses Banksia coccinea as the feature flower. In the background is the grey -green foliage from Adenanthos serieus (Woolly Bush). Woolly Bush is the easier of the two plants to grow and they are quite drought tolerant. I have seen few good specimens of Banksia coccinea in South Australian gardens. I believe they are being grown in the Hills for the cut flower trade. The soil in that region is less alkaline and well drained. As a rule of thumb, Banksias will grow where there is excellent drainage even if the soil is alkaline.
The use of a mallee stump to form the arrangement makes this a truly unique Australian ‘picture’.
Can you please tell me what types of plants i can plant and grow in droughtladen central queensland?
Will any of htese plants grow in those conditions?