Spring Flowering Plants

Olearia pannosa beginning to flower in my garden
When I look at the date on the last post made on this blog I am horrified but that is how life is sometimes. I have had to desist growing the large numbers of plants I used to but I cannot resist plants that have cuttings on them so I am always having a go at something, just not on the scale I would like to do.
A friend asked me for photos of a couple of South Australian native plants and that set me thinking about what I might be able to do on the blog. There are a number of posts that need tidying where links have been broken over the years, and probably better photos in my collection now. Spring is a great time to be stimulated to share the wonder of our amazing native plants as many begin to burst into flower in the next few months.
For further information Olearia pannosa.
Natives for Full Sun and Full Shade
A request for help with a site that was clay soil in full sun in summer and full shade in winter prompted a look through my reference books. I was able to find the following list of plants.
Do what you can to improve the drainage of the clay. Liberal sprinkling with gypsum, at least a Kg per sq metre is required. The rain will wash it in or you can water it in.
Here are some shade loving plants that tolerate full sun, and vice versa! Most of these will require some water in Summer once established, to keep them at their best. A mulch in summer will assist with evening out the soil temperature.
Plants for Full Sun amd Full Shade
Dianella revoluta and Dianella tasmanica are good ones.
Bauera rubioides (will need summer water)
Banksia robur
Boronia denticulata
Brachysema lanceolatum
Callistemon citrinus and forms of this- Anzac, Burgundy, Endeavour, Mauve Mist, Western Glory,
Calytrix tetragona
Senna artemisioides
Chorizema cordatum
Correa decumbens
Correa ‘Dusky Bells’
Correa pulchella forms
Crowea exalata
Crowea saligna
Dampiera diversifolia
Epacris impressa
Eriostemon verrucosus
Grevillea buxifolia
Grevillea lanigera
Hardenbergia violacea any colour
Hibbertia scandens
Kennedia nigricans
Prostanthera ovalifolia (summer water)
Viola hederacea