Eucalyptus stricklandii (Yellow-flowered Blackbutt) And Birds
I was hoping to be able to take a photo of the Purple-Crowned Lorikeets in the canopy of Eucalyptus stricklandii. They are rowdy birds when feeding on the prolific nectar supply of this Eucalypt and others in the town. This tree is highly valued for its nectar production.
This also could be called ‘the perfect tree’. It is adaptable to many different soils including alkaline. It is ideal for arid and semi arid areas and warm temperate areas. Apparently it does not do so well in cold climates. It is useful for wind breaks and erosion control. The tree grows from 6-12 metres tall by 5-8 metres wide. Here it is the lower height. It is drought and frost hardy and resistant to smog. Flowering time is Spring through to Autumn.
This tree has been grown in Israel without irrigation and is also grown in California.
A good photo of a Puple-Crowned Lorikeet can can be seen on the site of The Australasian Bird Data Base.