Lomandra confertifolia ‘Little Con’
5 Comments »22nd October, 2007; Category: Hardy Australian Native PLants, Kangaroo Paws And Other Tufted Plants
Grasses and tufted plants have been popular in gardens for a few years now. Many are used in rockeries very successfully. Others are used as border plantings.
This tufted plant has been around for a while and has proved to be hardy in many locations. This particular selection has been promoted in garden centres for some time. In the photo it is being used as border plant. Lomandra confertifolia originates in Queensland with some forms appearing along the coast to Sydney. The requirements are generally filtered light and good drainage. This small form seems to be hardy in more open positions. Generally they tolerate light to moderate frosts. Grasses can be seen in this use also here.
I am looking for a similar grass to little com to put in contrast to it in a garden bed. Maybe the same thing in a different colour. Any sugestions would be good. Thanks.
Poa Australis – bluey coloured foliage – bit smaller though
Hi We were persuaded to put a row of 17 Little Con on our southward facing garden bed bordering the footpath. They get lots of sun, good rich soil and on a slope so drainage should be ok.Some are ok but 4 or 5 are dying, all yellow and you can pull the grass out by the roots. What’s wrong. Hubby wants to pull them all out but i want to replace only the dying ones. What do you think?
Little Con is very tough. Do a postmortem on one of the dead plants. ie, look at the roots of the plant, checking the quantity, looking for rot. Also examine the soil. Is it non wetting? Are you over watering, which is not the same as poor drainage. You may be being too kind. The other possibility is a variation in the soil along this length of garden bed, with soil conditions different where the dead plants are. If you are going to replace the plants I would recommend the soil examination. Dig a planting hole and fill it with water to check that it is as well drained as you think it is. If not, raise the planting spot by 10cm in those places.
thanks will do