Melaleuca nesophila (Showy Honeymyrtle)
1 Comment »8th January, 2007; Category: Drought Tolerant Plants, Hardy Australian Native PLants, Melaleuca
There was a comment on the previous mention of Melaleuca nesophila which sent me to the books again and Australian Plant Society informatiom.
This very hardy plant reads almost like the perfect plant to grow. Apart from not liking severe frost, it will grow practically anywhere. The information says that it will tolerate salt spray, acid to very alkaline soil and lime. Many Melaleucas will grow in quite damp soils and this is one of them, as well as growing in very dry conditions. It also takes hard cutting and trimming which makes it ideal for wind breaks and hedges. Apart from that it is also a very pretty plant.
I saw a hedge of these growing in the Melbourne Royal Botanic Gardens in the childrens garden. It had been clipped as a hedge and looked quite impressive.
I’ve decided to grow a hedge of these along a fence as they seem to continually be growing and seem to be quite vigorous.
Although you see it in street landscapes from time to time it doesn’t appear in home gardens much.
I have a hedge of Melaleuca decussatas growing along my back fence which are also very hardy but the foliage is a bit sparse. I now think that Nesophila would have been a better option.