Helichrysm elatum (Tall White Everlasting)
I found this plant growing in Kur-in-gai National Park and later in Canberra Botanic Gardens. Being a lover of daisies, I had to take some photos. It took a while to find the name as in neither place was the plant labelled. I find it exciting when I see a plant in the wild when I have only ever seen photos.
This plant can grow between one to two metres tall. The flowers are often in clusters. Although plants flower in spring in the wild, in garden conditions this flowering continues into summer. The plant needs root protection and a semi shaded position. The plant will also grow in exposed coastal positions.
Helichrysm elatum is a good plant for cut flowers. The flowers can also be wired and dried and this needs to be done before the buds open.
This plant originates in Victoria, NSW, and Qld, on tablelands, coast and foothills. It is generally found in shade among rocks in rich soils.

Helichrysm elatum (Tall White Everlasting)