The post brought my new reference book on Eremophilas. This book by Bob Chinnock is a very new publication and people have been waiting for years for its arrival. There has been great interest in eremophilas because of their drought hardiness. Many have been described in other publications but some name changes have occurred and a number of sub species identified. Also included in the book is the related species Myoporum.
The book is calledÂ
Eremophila and allied genera, written by RJ Chinnock. Published in Australia by Rosenburg Publishing Pty Ltd.
Mine is a pre publication copy. The official publication date is 24th April 2007.
The blurb on the cover says it has taken 30 years of research to produce this book. I am looking forward to studying it. It is a very large book and some what technical but it is the descriptions that I am most looking forward to using.