The bird life around here is fantastic at the moment. A family of White-winged Choughs often passes through, creating territorial wars with the Little Ravens. Both are feeding young. I had a Blackbird nesting in a stack of pots in my little storage shed. A New Holland Honeyeater is feeding young in a nest in Melaleuca lanceolata near the house. We can watch her coming out to find food and return to the nest from the dining room table. A lot of time gets wasted watching all this activity .
The insect problems around here would be phenomenal if it was not for the bird life on our block. The Rainbow Bee-eaters arrived yesterday. They are such pretty birds. They usually stay until around February. They tend to stay mainly around the creek at the back of our place, where they make their nests in the cliff.
While I was sorting plants one of the New Holland Honey-eaters flew past the box of plants snatching a small spider dangling on its web.