Using Waratah In Floral Arrangements
I was very annoyed with myself when I took the first photo of a Waratah arrangement similar to this. When I downloaded the photo to the computer there was a red fire extingusher at the side of the arrangement. I did not see it when I took the photo. The colour was identical to the Waratah.
Waratah is the common name for Telopea speciosissima which is the Floral Emblem of New South Wales. This plant can grow to three metres tall. The flower head can be nearly the size of a dinner plate. I have a friend who enjoys folk art. She had never seen a Waratah flower ‘in the flesh’ so when she painted one it was too small in proportion to the other blooms she painted. She realised the mistake when shown a real flower.
They need very good drainage to be successful as a garden plant. Cutting the flowers encourages more shoots and therefore more flowers for the following season.